Cryptocurrency Address Whitelisting

Introducing Cryptocurrency Address Whitelisting


To improve the security and speed of our withdrawals we would like to introduce address whitelisting on NDAX. The whitelisting feature will allow NDAX users to automate their withdrawals.

Once you've deemed an address safe and whitelisted it, you can create a withdrawal request and send the cryptocurrency there without any intervention from the NDAX team.

Beneficial for users:

  • • Sending larger transactions
  • • Sending funds to their own external wallet
  • • Sending funds to frequently used addresses



Whitelisted Address

➀ Send a withdrawal
➁ Confirm via email
➂ Withdrawal is sent to the blockchain


Non-Whitelisted Address

➀ Send withdrawal
➁ Confirm via email
➂ Wait a 10-minute pending period
➃ Exchange verifies the transaction
➄ Withdrawal is sent to the blockchain



How do I whitelist a cryptocurrency withdrawal address?

Part 1 - Add the address you would like to whitelist

  • • Login to NDAX
  • • Once you log in you will be redirected to your dashboard
  • • Click ADDRESS BOOK on the left-hand side bar
  • • Click ADD NEW ADDRESS on the right-hand side
  • • Select the correct currency
  • • Enter the cryptocurrency address you wish to whitelist
  • • Add a LABEL to help you identify this address
  • • Click ADD ADDRESS

Part 2 - Verify your cryptocurrency address

Send a withdrawal to this address in order to verify the wallet address. There will be a 24-hour time-frame to do so.

  • • Login to NDAX
  • • Once you log in you will be redirected to your dashboard
  • • Click WITHDRAW at the top of the screen
  • • Click the CRYPTOCURRENCY TAB on the left side of the screen
  • • Choose the Cryptocurrency you’d like to withdraw
  • • Click the WITHDRAW BUTTON
  • ENTER THE DESTINATION ADDRESS you’d like to send the cryptocurrency to
  • ENTER the DESTINATION TAG or MEMO ID if applicable
  • • Click the green WITHDRAW NOW button


Part 3 - Wait a 24-hour cooling period

You will now enter into a 24 hour cooling period. After the 24 hour cooling period, you will be notified via email with the status of your request.



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