Down the Rabbit Hole: Top Crypto Documentaries to Wait out the Bear Market

Down the Rabbit Hole: Top Crypto Documentaries to Wait out the Bear Market

If someone asked you to explain Bitcoin today, how would you do?

Most people wouldn’t even know where to start. Even though this new digital currency has revolutionized the world of finance, economics, and the definition of property, it’s still regarded as “fake money” by many people who don’t understand how it works.

Now, you could pour through books, blogs, and websites… But who doesn’t love sitting back to good documentaries w/  strong narrative arcs? They have the power to take us inside the lives of fascinating people and topics that we otherwise might never have known about, and when done exceedingly well, we may very well wind up talking about them for months (or years!). And of course, they’re way more than just a fun way to pass the time—they’re actually bonafide learning resources. These documentaries are great for anyone looking to dive deep into the enigmatic world of Bitcoin and crypto.

When Bitcoin entered the scene, most people were highly skeptical, to say the least. The concept of trading virtual currency instead of using real-world money felt far-fetched. But today, cryptocurrency has become one of the most researched fields in the world. The sovereign and decentralized way of owning and trading digital assets–the very concept of money!--has inspired millions around the globe to start learning about it themselves.

If you’re new to Bitcoin and crypto, these 5 documentaries are perfect to help you understand exactly what Bitcoin is, how cryptocurrency works, the way this technology is changing the world, and maybe, just maybe, how to explain it to your grandmother.

The Most Influential Documentaries About Bitcoin

If you’re ready to go deep down the rabbit hole, these are hands down the best documentaries for understanding Bitcoin. But before we dive in, here’s a refresher on some key facts about Bitcoin:

●    Bitcoin isn’t ‘fake money’: It’s the first, largest, and most well-known cryptocurrency. (Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are also often referred to as Digital Assets.)

●    There is no bank, corporation, government, or other third party that does–or can–control Bitcoin.

●    Blockchain isn’t Bitcoin; it’s the technology that powers it, and that Bitcoin introduced to the world.

●    Bitcoin is open to all, public and semi-anonymous, and its blockchain ensures its transparency and security.

So whether you’re just learning about digital assets or want to boost your Bitcoin knowledge, let’s dive into the best-rated documentaries available on Prime or Netflix.

1. The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin

This 2014 documentary explores the journey of Daniel, a 35-year-old computer programmer who grows fascinated with Bitcoin. As he delves deeper and deeper into the seemingly endless possibilities of this revolutionary technology, viewers get to take in interviews from entrepreneurs and startups entirely founded on the currency.

In addition to a basic rundown of Bitcoin, you’ll also get an in-depth introduction to the world of mining and subcultures within the Bitcoin community.

Through Daniel’s trip around the world, the documentary takes us on a journey that introduces some of the most influential figures in Bitcoin. We love that this doc draws from a diverse cast to incorporate a variety of opinions about Bitcoin and its potential impacts on society.

Some reviewers have criticized the documentary for being overly positive, ignoring the darker elements of crypto and the risks it can pose to both people and society at large. While we do believe it’s important to discuss every side of Bitcoin and blockchain, we also think this documentary is a fantastic resource for understanding crypto and all its possibilities.

2. Bitcoin: The End of Money as We Know It

With such a sombersombre title, you might expect this doc to take a negative view of the currency. In reality, it seeks to answer questions that are so simple, we never thought to ask them: “What is money?”

Viewers will explore how humanity’s use of currency has evolved from ancient societies through Wall Street and now, the crypto era. This hour-long documentary also won the Special Jury Prize for the Best World Cinema Documentary at the 2015 Amsterdam Film Festival.

The film takes us across a timeline of money’s evolution and role throughout society. We also discover exactly why Bitcoin is such a game-changer. It’s more than just a technology. It’s a new way of living that has (and will continue to) shape our future.

The documentary features interviews with experts like Bitcoin advocate and entrepreneur Andreas Antonopolous, as well as Roger Ver, an early Bitcoin investor known by many as “Bitcoin Jesus.”

3. Bitcoin: Beyond the Bubble

There are a lot of questions people have about Bitcoin, like:

●    What does Bitcoin mean?

●    How does it work?

●    Is Bitcoin actually even money?

●    Can Bitcoin make investors wealthy?

This short and to-the-point documentary answers everything beginners want to know about the king crypto in just a tight 35 minutes. You’ll learn about how the currency came to be, common questions about privacy, as well as its implications for the future of the world’s financial system.

A key moment in this brief but beefy doc explores uses of Bitcoin beyond money, something many people never consider. The blockchain that powers the technology can actually be used to create greater transparency in finance. Because each Bitcoin is divisible into 1/100,000,000th of a single coin–known as a Satoshi, after its eponymous founder–each Satoshi can be programmed (or tokenized) to represent real assets digitally, including real estate and other real-world goods.

With the ability to attach value to assets digitally without any centralized authority, the technology underscoring Bitcoin makes it a far more valuable and transformative innovation than most people initially consider.

It may seem like a lot to take in, but we promise this is the best doc to check out for all the must-know facts about Bitcoin and digital assets, and–clocking in at just over half an hour–Sometimes, less really is more...

4. Cryptopia: Bitcoin, And the Future of The Internet

As one of the more recent docs, 2020’s “Cryptopia” gives viewers a glimpse into the intricate Bitcoin ecosystems, as well as a lot of controversies surrounding blockchain and cryptocurrency as a whole.

If you’re thinking about investing (or even evaluating your long-term goals), this is a documentary that will give you plenty to consider. Because it’s more modern, it reflects many of the timelier challenges and topics we would logically consider today before turning to crypto.

Award-winning filmmaker Torsten Hoffmann also produced the 2nd documentary on this list, “The End of Money as We Know it.” In this subsequent film, he explores newer technologies that create new controversies: Namely, Web3, the next era of the internet that’s bringing the digital world–and digital ownership economy–into our lives more than ever.

5. Banking on Bitcoin

This 2016 documentary spans 1-and-a-half hours and covers everything someone could want to know about how Bitcoin works and what blockchain technology means. It covers eight years’ worth of history since Satoshi’s flagship Bitcoin Whitepaper first appeared in 2008. There’s a lot to take in, but director Christopher Cannucciari masterfully arranges the doc in a way that’s engaging for both newcomers and more experienced traders/investors/techies.

The main reason we suggest “Banking on Bitcoin” is that it isn’t afraid to address how disruptive cryptocurrency really is. We know it, you know it: Bitcoin changed everything. The documentary explores how this technology will change mainstream finance and the major confrontation that will arise between bitcoin, blockchain and cryptocurrency enthusiasts and the traditional finance industry. Or not…

This doc looks at both sides of the coin (pun intended) to reveal exactly how it’s going to shape society in the years to come: And since it was produced 6-7 years ago, and we’ve since survived an economy-rattling pandemic, there are a lot of forecasts that will hit close to home… And others that will make you think about our future in an entirely different light.

Bonus #6. Bit x Bit: In Bitcoin We Trust

Not everyone is on board with crypto just yet, and even though it's 2023, there’s still a lot of skepticism and hesitancy to adopt digital currencies. And while there’s plenty of information online to educate people on how crypto works, it still remains largely a mystery to the public. (Worldwide usage/adoption is estimated to be somewhere between 1.5-5%!)

Inadvertently, Bitcoin could wind up being centralized as an exclusive knowledge base among the tech-enthused. And that’s exactly what Bitcoin was created to avoid.

Because many governments are still so hesitant to accept crypto as a valid form of mainstream currency, people haven’t been able to use it to its greatest extent. This documentary aims to clear up misconceptions and help reveal the potential of Bitcoin to the world.

Although the film does try to strongly endorse the acceptance of Bitcoin, it’s not all positive. Parts of the documentary explore the inherent risks and downsides of cryptocurrency, and what we can do to address some of them.

Understanding Crypto With NDAX

We make it easy to learn how to buy Bitcoin in Canada with guides and resources on everyday language. Check out our What is Bitcoin? page to get started learning about the world’s first-ever cryptocurrency.

We not only cover a brief history of this fascinating digital currency; our guide also looks into some of its use-cases, applications, and answers common questions first-time buyers have about investing in Bitcoin and starting their digital asset portfolios.

NDAX has dozens of resources to help you manage your digital assets with skill and confidence. Read our blog for more posts on the world of Bitcoin and crypto, or follow us on your favourite social media platform so you can stay up-to-date on the latest innovations and technology trends that are shaping the world.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide investment, legal, accounting, tax or any other advice and should not be relied on in that or any other regard. The information contained herein is for information purposes only and is not to be construed as an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of cryptocurrencies or otherwise.